Day 20

January 24, 2025


THE POWER IN GOD'S WORD | Highland Lakes church of Christ



 Hebrews 4:12  

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.


Thought for Today

 Great surgeon’s focus on identifying the “root cause” of disease in the body.  Surgery performed to save a person’s life requires the use of invasive tools that cut deep into flesh, tissue, bone and cells. Surgeons are trained to identify and remove disease from the body of their patient to enable the patient to heal.  They accomplish this by using very sensitive diagnostic imaging equipment and precise surgical tools that can remove the most microscopic pieces of diseased tissue and cells.

 As powerful as surgery is to remove disease and promote healing, The Word of God is even more powerful to change your life. Sin is the disease that produces spiritual sickness and death in us. Jesus Christ is the Living Word, who gave His life and shed His blood to cleanse us of our sins, so that we may live. When you read and study The Bible, God’s Holy Word, it gets inside of you and changes you from the inside out to enable you to live for Jesus Christ. Through His Holy word, God reveals His plan of love, salvation and redemption for mankind directly to you. In Hebrews 4:12, the Hebrew writer provides a vivid description of the power of the Word of God. It is living (active, always at work in you), powerful (filled with God’s power), with sharpness/precision/accuracy to pierce your total being (Amplified Bible: the completeness of a person and the deepest parts of our nature). God’s Word diagnoses and shows the inward condition of our thoughts and intentions. It will produce permanent change in your life. That’s the power of God’s Word!

The Word of God is life-saving and life-giving! You can’t live a victorious life without it. Read it, study it, meditate on it, apply it! Hide (deposit) the Word in your heart. God wants to unleash the power of His Wod in your life. Are you open to it?


It’s Time to Pray

Heavenly Father, Reveal to me the power of Your Word. Give me a love for Your Word so that I will read it daily and share it with others. Holy Spirit, please teach me how to study and apply the Word of God in a way that produces growth and Christlikeness in me, in Jesus’ name, Amen!


Day 19

January 23, 2025

How may I serve you?


Mark 10:45  – “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”
1 Peter 4: 10 –  “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
Serving is Not Self-Motivated …
Thought for Today
Do you have a heart to serve?

Mr. Truitt Cathy founded Chick-Fil-A as a Christian restaurant chain with desire to honor God and serve people. He made a vow to operate his restaurants Monday thru Saturday and to close on Sunday to honor God and to enable employees to worship in their local church. When purchasing food at Chick-Fil-A, customers are greeted by an associate who says, “Welcome to Chick-fil-A, How may I serve you?” Following payment for the food, the order is filled by and associate that says, “Thank you, It’s my pleasure!”. These greetings and customer service expressions are more than mere words. Chick-Fil-A intentionally trains each employee to serve customers with sincerity, honesty and integrity. Customers are very loyal and have made Chick-Fil-A one of the best restaurant chains in history.


In daily life, it seems that many people want to be served, but few are willing to serve others. Serving other people takes time, can be challenging and is often inconvenient. Christian service must be given from a heart of love and desire to serve Christ. The result is a genuine act of kindness or labor that helps people to feel appreciated. Serving should be a labor of love for Christ’s sake. To please Him, you must serve with the right attitude.


Jesus lived a life of service to others. The gospel tells us that “even the Son of Man” did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28). It further tells us “He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil for God was with Him” (Acts 10:38). Our Savior, who performed miracles, healed the sick, raised the dead and gave His life for our sins, made himself a servant out of His great love for us. We are called to “serve others as faithful stewards” (1 Peter 4:10) following Christ’s heart, pattern and example. It is great to serve with a joyful spirit and a glad heart.


Are you willing to serve with a renewed spirit by asking “How may I serve you?” And when your service is completed you can respond “It is my pleasure!” Keep in mind, by serving others well, you serve Christ well.


It’s Time to Pray

Lord Jesus, thank you being the greatest servant who ever lived! I am your servant. Teach me to serve you and the people in my life with gladness and excellence. Be pleased with my attitude and my service, in Jesus’ name, Amen!


Day 18

January 22, 2025
A View from the Top!

25 Awesome Bird's-Eye Views Of Cities Around The Globe - Hongkiat

Matthew 5: 1-3 And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him. Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying:
“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Thought for Today

Have you ever seen the view from the top of a mountain? The summit of a mountain is a majestic place and offers a majestic view to those who have the rare opportunity make it to the top. It has been described as one of the most life-changing experiences that one can have. Maybe you have experienced this while looking down from an airplane or watching a movie with mountain views. However you might have experienced it, such spectacular views elevate your thoughts and change the way you see the world. The experience provides you with a view from some of the highest places on earth and enables you to see valleys, rivers and other terrain at great distances. You gain a far greater line of sight and broader vision.

As He begins to preach the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives His disciples and the multitudes of people a “View from the Top” as He begins with “The Beatitudes”. Matthew 5:1 describes when Jesus saw large gathering of people, He went up on a mountain and took a seat and His disciples gather around Him. Jesus was intentional about everything He did. Therefore initiating His ministry from the mountain was symbolic of elevating their standard of thinking and living to the standard of the Kingdom of God. Each Beatitude describes a kingdom character trait that Jesus desired His disciples to receive, understand and live by daily as citizens of the Kingdom of God. He knew that as they took in each Beatitude, their soul and mind would be elevated to be more like His. He gave them the highest view of what their life could become for the kingdom if they followed Him believed on His name. Each Beatitude begins with “blessed” (happy, supremely blessed, special joy granted to the person who receives salvation* Spirit Filled Life Bible).

Today, just as He taught His disciples and the crowd that day, Jesus wants to give you a fresh “view from the top” to increase your spiritual vision and understanding of His Kingdom… He wants to elevate your thinking to a Kingdom mindset. He wants to reveal His divine character and nature in you. There is a higher standard that you can attain as a disciple and servant of Jesus Christ if you seek first the kingdom and His righteousness.

Once you receive a “View from the Top” you will never be the same. He will place your feet on Higher Ground. You will praise, worship, pray, receive the Word and serve with greater Kingdom fervor and faithfulness.

Less of you, More of Him!

Lord, lift me up and let me stand,
By faith, on Heaven’s table land,
A higher plane than I have found;
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.

(Refrain from Higher Ground – Words: John­son Oat­man, Jr., in Songs of Love and Praise, No. 5,

It’s Time to Pray

Lord Jesus, I repent for living beneath Your standard. Pour into me a fresh vision for my role in your Kingdom. Elevate thinking and living to the standard of the Beatitudes. Help me to gain your “view from the top”. Lord, plant my feet on Higher Ground. I decrease so that You may increase. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


Day 15

January 19, 2023


Lost and Found Values

A tribute to the life, legacy and ministry of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

(with Excerpts from “Rediscovering Lost Values” preached by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at
Second Baptist Church, Detroit, Michigan, February 28, 1054)


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Gardner ...


Deuteronomy 6:4-9

 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.”  And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.


Thought for Today:

We are living in a period of immense prosperity for some and profound poverty for others. There is a great divide in our nation and the world and that divide is widening daily. We are also experiencing a rapid decline in moral values and good old fashioned respect. It is difficult to remember a time when public name calling, character attacks and outright meanness were practiced daily by elected officials and business leaders who hold the highest offices in our country. This erosion of values at the top has swept through our society like a tornado through a defenseless community. We see it everywhere in our lives. People behaving rudely, yelling profanities, fighting others and attempting the make their point by any means they choose.

The result? A fundament loss of human decency, lack of respect for other people and an indifference toward the laws of God. Where is the standard of moral law and values that was once part of the way we lived and taught our children to live? I submit that the standard has been lost because our society has strayed from practicing God’s values from the Bible. Certainly, there are many people who practice the moral values declared in God’s Word, however the soul of our nation is tainted by those who live lawlessly.

Dr. King stated, “The great problem facing modern man is that the means by which we live have outdistanced the spiritual ends for which we live.” In that moment, he revealed our focus on “means” or material things has exceeded of focus on spiritual values. When this happens in a society, people become so consumed with the pursuit of their rights and possessions rather than serving God and the people in their lives.

But do not despair, all is not lost! We as a people can find, practice and teach moral values again if we choose to return to the values God commands in the Bible as the basis for the way we live.

Dr. King expressed the same optimism later his sermon when He stated:

“If we are to go forward, if we are to make this a better world in which to live, we’ve got to go back. We’ve got to rediscover these precious values that we’ve left behind.”

 In Deuteronomy 6, The Lord sums up this great moral command  when The Lord declares through Moses, that they must “Love the Lord with all of their heart, soul and strength…” He further commends the words to their hearts and commands them to teach these values to their children continually (at all times).

As he closes, Dr. King emphatically declares His faith in God to restore lost values by preaching” “I’m not going to put my ultimate faith in the little gods that can be destroyed in an atomic age, but the God who has been our help in the ages past, and our hope for years to come, and our shelter in the time of storm, and our eternal home.”

May the Lord restore and strengthen moral values in us as we love Him, keep His commandments, and obey His word. May we pass on our faith and values to our children that they will live by Your word.

It’s Time to Pray: 

Almighty God, You have commanded me to love You with all of my being, to keep your commandments and teach them to my children.  Your word is the source of all truth, righteousness and moral values.  I confess that I have allowed my values to stray from the standards of Your Word. I repent and return to truth of Your Word. Teach me to keep Your holy values at all times by the power of the Holy Spirit so that I may glory to Your name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!



Day 17

January 21, 2025


Day 7 - Undisputed Champions - The Lord's House Community Church



2 Corinthians 4:7-10
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are hard-
pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken;
struck down, but not destroyed— always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.


Thought for Today

Preparing to watch Notre Dame and Ohio State compete in the college football national championship is a reminder of all that is required to be an UNDISPUTED CHAMPION. Both teams are of championship caliber and came into the game with excellent records having overcome many obstacles during a long and challenging season. However, only one of these two great teams will emerge from the game as the UNDISPUTED CHAMPION of college football.

UNDISPUTED CHAMPIONS are rare in any sport or field in life. Think about how difficult it is to compete against competitors for an entire season and be considered a winner by competitors, the press and fans. UNDISPUTED CHAMPIONS are not perfect, in fact they may numerous weaknesses. But these champions are known as champions for their ability to work hard, stick together, overcome adversity, persevere through troubling situations and pursue victory with diligence.

In this life we face many challenges that are far beyond our natural ability to overcome. Additionally, you have a formidable opponent in the devil who hates you and is constantly devising plans and schemes to defeat you by keeping you in a state of discouragement and despair. As we experience these things, it is critical to fight the good fight of faith by declaring God’s Word to gain victory. To become the Undisputed Champion that God has made it possible for us to be in Christ, we must know and practice the following the principles Paul teaches in 2 Corinthians 4: 7-10.

  1. You are a vessel of clay the God has chosen to use for His purpose
  2. God has made a deposit of His heavenly treasure in you
  3. Yet, He is the sole source of Excellence of His Power in you
  4. In the fight of life, you will be hard-pressed on every side, but never crushed
  5. In the fight of life, you will be confused, but not in despair
  6. In the fight of life, you will be persecuted but not forsaken
  7. In the fight of life, you will be struck down, but not destroyed
  8. Always carry the death of the Lord Jesus in your heart that His life may be manifested (made known) in you and enable you to draw others to Christ
These principles will help you and I to become an UNDISPUTED CHAMPION in this life.

It’s Time to Pray

Almighty God, I ask you to fill me with the excellence of Your power from Your heavenly treasure so that I will operate in Faith to persevere and overcome every challenge that the enemy sends to defeat me…Help me to live as an UNDISPUTED CHAMPION for Christ…in Jesus’ Name, Amen!


Day 16

January 20, 2025
Prayer Changes Things


James 5:16 Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

Acts 12:5 Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church.


Thought for Today
Prayer changes everything!
Understanding the power of prayer will change your life. When we pray, we gain a personal audience with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. When we pray according to God’s word, by the power of the Holy Spirit, He hears us and answers our prayers. When we pray together, God releases His mighty power in the middle of our circumstances and everything changes including our hearts.
Acts 12 describes an amazing story of the power of prayer and how prayer changed everything. The passage tells of Herod, the king harassing the church. He killed James, the brother of John with the sword. And when he saw the Jews excitement, he had Peter arrested and placed in prison during the Days of Unleavened Bread. Peter was the spiritual leader of the church, and was highly respected and honored by the believers. So, Herod seized the opportunity to make an example of him. It seemed that Herod’s next step would be to execute Peter as a way to crush the spread of the church. Acts 12:5 tells us, “Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church.” Look at what happens…as Peter was held captive in prison, the church prayed! And their prayers changed everything! Those saints knew that when they prayed, God would hear them, answer their prayers and change everything!
The passage goes on to describe that while Peter was sleeping, he was bound with two chains between two soldiers with two prison guards at the door. Immediately, an angel of the Lord stood by Peter, and a light shined in the prison and the angel struck Peter and awakened him from his sleep. Miraculously, the angel called Peter to get up and put on his clothes and sandals…and the chains fell off his hands! Peter was set free from bondage and delivered by God’s mighty power because the people of God prayed!
The effectual, fervent prayer of the righteous avails much! (James 5:16) Prayer is one of our most powerful weapons, yet we don’t use it as often as we should. When we pray according to His will, God saves, He breaks chains, He heals, He delivers, He works miracles. Will you commit to increasing the time you spend each day in prayer? Will you commit to a life of prayer? Will you commit to praying in faith with other believers for God to move by His awesome power?
It’s Time to Pray
 Heavenly Father, teach me to power of prayer. Give me a passion for prayer. Help me to pray effective, fervent prayers that change everything. Help me Lord, to unite with other believers in prayer. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


Day 14

January 18, 2025


Jesus Is the Open Door [Video] -

Matthew 10:7-10
Then Jesus said to them again, “Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who ever came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
Thought for Today
Jesus is the open door !
Think for a moment of the importance of doors in our everyday lives. They open and close; lock and unlock; provide or deny access; provide security and protection; separate and togetherness and other functions. When viewed this way, one can gain a greater appreciation for the doors that you encounter daily. In John 10, Jesus reveals a description of who He is by describing himself as “the door of the sheep.”
Access: He vividly describes the relationship between the shepherd and the sheep. He declares himself the door (the entranceway, access giver, gate keeper, protector, care giver) of the sheep.
Assurance: He assures them that He is the (Good Shepherd) that they have been waiting for and that all who preceded him were imposters; in fact thieves and robbers. He also subtly assures that they are now under His care because they have tuned their ears and hearts to His voice and were not deceived by others who had attempted to lure them to danger and destruction.
Abundant Life: Lastly, Jesus, the Great Shepherd, tells them that their obedience as sheep has spared them from being killed, stolen or destroyed by the thief and that He has come give them life and life more abundantly.
Will you allow Jesus, the Great Shepherd to be your Door? Will you allow Him to be your Access, Assurance and Abundant Life! Will you share Jesus with others and lead them to enter the Door through Him. Will you tune your ears to His voice; Open your heart to His presence, Establish and build your Faith in Him alone?
It’s Time to Pray
Lord Jesus, you are my Savior and Lord. You are my Door. I come to You alone for Access, Assurance and Abundant Life. Thank you for being my Door to You and Your Kingdom! Help me to lead others to Your saving grace so that they confess You as their Savior and Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!


Day 13

January 17, 2025


Good News



Philippians 4:8

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things and the God of peace will be with you.


Thought for Today

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things  are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever  things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there

We live in a world filled with trouble. Negative news, negative responses, negative communications come at us from every direction. Many days it can be difficult to find good news in the midst of the all the bad. Troubling times and bad new

s can produce a negative spirit and pessimistic, cynical responses even in believers. When a negative spirit is received, you can begin to fo

cus on what is wrong in your life and circumstances rather than what is right. A great friend once preached a message “The Good News is that the Bad News Ain’t So Bad!” That message stuck with me. It helped me to understand that no matter how bad things may seem at times, there is always greater ‘good news’. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the ‘good news’ of God’s saving grace through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that saved us from our sins and gave us everlasting life. Remember, God is in control, your faith is in Him and that Jesus Christ is Lord unto the glory of God the Father.


Paul challenged the Philippians not to be anxious about anything and to receive peace which surpasses all understanding to guard their hearts and minds. He challenged them (and us) to focus their minds on positive things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of good report…meditate on (ponder deeply) these things. When you choose to focus on these virtues, you focus on ‘good news’ rather than what is wrong, you will realize that these virtues will enable you to live in victory. As I ponder this passage, I understand that my attitude and reactions to life are shaped by the way I think!


It’s Time to Pray

Gracious God, help me to be mindful of all that I take in to my mind, soul and spirit. Help me by the power of the Holy Spirit to choose to think on the ‘Good News’ of Jesus Christ and respond to every situation with a positive mindset and unlimited faith in His ability to do the impossible…in Jesus’ name. Amen!


Day 12

January 16, 2025


The Freedom in Forgiveness - Taffi Dollar Ministries



Matthew 6: 14-15 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.


Thought for Today

Are the words “I forgive you” in your heart? Are those words followed by “will you forgive me?”

Forgiveness is at the heart of God’s love for you. He demonstrated His unfailing love when Christ gave His life and shed His blood to forgive your sins and mine. When you confess your sin, Christ is faithful and just to forgive you of your sin (1 John 1:9). He never remembers that sin again. Having received this great forgiveness from Christ, why do we have such a difficult time forgiving the people in our life?

Do you find yourself holding on to something someone said that offended you? Are you angry with a family member or friend who did something that hurt you? Are you harboring unforgiveness against a co-worker or manager because of the way they mistreated you? Think about these and other examples of unforgiveness that you are harboring in your heart.

 The devil wants you to believe the lie that by refusing to forgive the people in your life who have hurt you, you punish them. Just the opposite is true, you are the one who is hurt emotionally and spiritually. In the verses following The Lord’s Prayer, Jesus teaches us that God, The Father will not forgive you of your sins if you do not forgive other people who have sinned against you. Can you imagine The Father turning a deaf ear to your prayers and holding your sins against you because of your stubborn refusal to forgive the other person?  Jesus cried out on the cross, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”. As He hung on the cross dying, Jesus asked the Father to forgive those who put Him to death because did not understand the full extent of their sins against Him. Those who offend you, in some cases do not know the extent of their actions and how they have affected you. By refusing to forgive, you carry an unnecessary weight and burden in your heart and mind because of your refusal to release the other person from the debt you believe they owe you. To forgive a person is a choice you must make. When you choose to forgive, it opens you, it frees you, it lifts you, it matures you, gives you peace.  And most important, it places you in right standing with God. Through forgiveness, you mature to become a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Learn to confess your trespasses and pray for others and allow them to do the same with you. Forgive others as Christ has forgiven you.

It’s Time to Pray

Forgiving Father, please forgive me of my many sins, faults and weaknesses. I need your forgiveness. Teach me how to love and forgive others as you have forgiven me. Once I have forgiven them, give me the desire to release them from the offense and move forward. Deposit your Word in my heart so that forgiveness is part of way I live for you, in Jesus Name. Amen!



Day 11

January 15, 1025





2 Chronicles 20:17

You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem!’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you.”


Thought for TodayHow To Enter The Presence Of The Lord | Praise & Worship God - YouTube

When enemy nations came together to make war against Judah. The Spirit of the LORD spoke through His prophet Jahaziel to assure King Jehoshaphat that God was with them and would protect His people, Judah. The Lord God had and unconventional plan for defeating the enemies of His people. He essentially instructed Jehoshaphat to re-position the people of Judah and set praise and worshipers in front of the fighting men. He then told the people, He instructed “do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.”  (v.15) The next day, he said to the people, “Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord” (v.17)

Judah’s Levites began to praise and worship the Lord with loud voices, the Lord sent ambushes, and the enemies defeated themselves. Just as the Lord had assured, His people Judah gained victory over their formidable enemies without drawing a weapon because He had repositioned them for victory.


Just as with King Jehoshaphat and His people of Judah, God desires you and I to draw faith, assurance and courage to trust Him and His Word in every circumstance of life, in every battle, we must know that the spiritual battle is far greater that the physical. When faced with impossible odds, we must know that God will fight each battle for us, and He will always give us Victory though our Lord Jesus Christ.


 It’s Time to Pray

Lord God, You are the Lord who commands Your people in battle and leads us to victory. You have never lost a battle. Thank you for being my shield, mighty fortress and strong tower. I thank You for teaching us to listen and obey your commands. As I face the battles of life, help me to know that the battle is not mine, but God’s. Just as with people of King Jehosaphat and the army of Judah, help us to learn to position ourselves so that when You reposition Your people, we will see Your salvation in victory. In Jesus Name, Amen!