JANUARY 25, 2025
Caution: Bold and Courageous Steps Required!

Scripture: Acts 4:29-31
Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.” And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.
Thought for Today: Caution: Bold and Courageous Steps Required! This year, God’s people will experience increased pain, peril and persecution on many levels as our nation and world oppose God and His Word. This year will be different than any you have experienced. In the midst of great peril, God is releasing Great Boldness and Power to the body of Christ. Specifically, to believers who will receive it. This Boldness and Power only comes by receiving the fullness of the Holy Spirit. God is pouring out His Spirit like never before upon believers to reach lost people with the Gospel. Further, He will anoint us with power to break the chains of spiritual wickedness and evil in in the lives of many people; setting them free to serve Him. God desires to use you to save souls. This year will also be a year that God releases spiritual and natural resources in abundance to the body of Christ to expand His Kingdom in preparation for the second coming of Christ. He will supply every need. There will be no lack! This wealth of resources must be used for Kingdom purposes! However, you must be filled with the Holy Ghost and power to participate in this great work. Do not fear and do not faint because you are well prepared. He will strengthen your faith, increase your dependence on Him and to prepare you to walk in greater boldness for Christ as this year unfolds.
In Acts 4, Luke describes a time of great peril and persecution upon the apostles Peter and John. Being filled with the Holy Spirit, they had performed a great miracle in the healing of a lame man. When questioned by the Jewish rulers and authorities (the Sanhedrin), they boldly spoke truth with power, proclaiming the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and salvation through Him. With chaos and adversity all around them, they operated in Great Faith, spoke the Word of God with boldness, prayed bold prayers and performed miracles. Verse 31 describes that they prayed with such boldness that the place where they were gather was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit! Now that’s power! In other words, they advanced the Gospel through bold and courageous step, filled with the power and authority of the Holy Spirit. As a result, many people received Jesus Christ and were saved.
Boldness (parrhesia – par-rhay-see-ah) is a New Testament Greek term expressing outspokenness, frankness, candor, and cheerful courage. It is the opposite of cowardice, timidity and fear. Spiritual Boldness is not a human quality but a result of being filled with the Holy Spirit (New Spirit-Filled Life Bible) .
God has made it clear that He will fill you with boldness and courage this year by the power of the Holy Spirit. Will you allow Him to transform your character, your countenance, your conduct and your conversation (to be conformed to the image of His Son Jesus Christ – Romans 8:29 paraphrased)? At this moment, you are called with a Holy calling to serve Christ in new and expanded ways. Will you receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit and allow God to use you at the next level? Are you available and willing?
Caution: Bold and Courageous Steps are required!
It’s Time to Pray: Oh Lord, You are God, who made the heavens and the earth. I surrender to You. Please refill me with your Holy Spirit and power so that I may live a bold faith, speak Your Word with new boldness, pray bold prayers, and draw people to salvation, deliverance and freedom through Jesus Christ. Infuse me with a courageous faith and love that removes all fear. Thank you for the abundance of resources that You will provide to accomplish the work of the Kingdom. Please use me in greater measure Lord this year and beyond. In Jesus Name, Amen!