Day 7

JANUARY 11, 2025

No More Dead Ends!


Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
Thought for Today
Before the launch of GPS several friends were driving on a long road trip. As they approached the last stretch of the trip, the navigator checked the road atlas (map) and found an uncertain shortcut through a mountain that had a two-lane road with no streetlights. The estimated shortcut would shave almost an hour off the trip. So, they exited the interstate, drove to the mountain road and 
Detour, Not A Dead End
began their ascent up the dark mountain road. They were making great time using the shortcut and suddenly there appeared signs for the entrance of a state park and a ranger’s station. As their car slowed to stop at the park ranger’s gate, the friend driving asked the ranger to raise the gate and for permission to drive through the park to their destination. The ranger replied, “you can’t get there from here…you will have to turn around and go back to the interstate and follow that route to your destination”. By choosing a short-cut to save time rather than the proven route, our friends reach a dead-end and had to return to the original route that would lead them to their destination.
Trust God to lead and guide you in every aspect of your life and don’t take shortcuts. Taking shortcuts can appear to provide an easier way and a shorter path but ultimately lead to dead ends. Every day you face decisions and choices in life. Every decision has an outcome, and every choice has a consequence. Some are significant and some less significant. Collectively, all of your decisions push you in a direction and ultimately determine your destiny. But what is basis for your decisions and how can you know if your choices are aligned with God’s plan for your life. It all comes down your willingness to trust God with your life. It is a dangerous thing to take your life into your own hands and leave God out. Trusting in God is having assurance and absolute confidence that He will lead and guide you even through even difficult and dark places in life. When you trust God and follow His direction, there are no dead-ends. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
No more dead ends. Trust in the Lord!
It’s Time to Pray
Dear Heavenly Father, teach me to trust in You alone with my every decision in my life and allow you to direct my paths. Help me to learn to live by Faith and not my limited understanding and help me to avoid dead-ends and follow Your lead to fulfill Your plan, purpose and destiny for my life. In Jesus Name. Amen!

One Response to “Day 7”

  1. Mark Collier says:

    Thank you God for leading and directing me in every aspect of my life. With God as my pilot, I cannot fail because His word and promises are immutable.

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